Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Aurora Eurotech launch a brand new Mode-S receiver

Great news at 300 pounds its cheap and its better.
Available Jan 2010

Aurora Eurotech launch a brand new Mode-S receiver

Features :
* Real Time 3D view of tracked aircraft.
* NASA Maps.
* Live Internet sharing.
* Aircraft Alerts.
* Real time photos of tracked aircraft.
* Support for dual monitors.
* Receiver uses advanced signal processing.
(12bit 40Mhz ADC,FPGA and dedicated DSP)
* Size only 130mm x 81mm x 30mm.
* Connects to Windows PC,Laptop or netbook via Plug & play USB connection.
* No external power supply required.

For more information please visit our website www.auroraeurotech.com


  1. Wait and see in January 2010


  2. Yes lets but if it come to be it will shake up the market

  3. Well !! Well !!

    Seems to be a revolution..And hope price also..
    If product is really concurenciel, may be Airnav will remove delayed traffic ??
    Want to try it !!

    Michel LFML F5YH

  4. Would be even better if someone produced hardware which directly interfaced with Plane Plotter - that way the software development costs could be much reduced.

    David GM8ARV

  5. I spoke to the owner and he hinted to the following ,If you are a planeplotter user you would be very happy

  6. I was about to buy one of those with the built in radio (against my better judgment because I think it is too expensive and I already have several radios) My Debit Card is now poised in anticipation of getting this new box. I believe this is what many have been waiting for.
